If banking on mobile is a success, then why not health-care on mobile
Namaskar !
I am Dr. Peeyush Chatter MBBS, MS (Surgeon), MBA from SMS Medical Collage Jaipur and Founder/Director of Medifree.
By digitising our Health-care services on Medifree, like America and making it paperless, chemists can easily expand their business and increase their income.
Registration on Medifree is free for all. Also, Medifree does not charge anything for any of the integrated services provided by the app. It is absolutely at zero cost for you.
All and every payment (like before) shall be received by the chemists themselves.
Medifree is beneficial to you from all three prospective i.e., money, time and conveniences.
Today, we strongly believe that the power of digital data is Facebook and now, we all must feel and enjoy the power of Medical Digital data on Medifree.
Thank You!